Supporting human progress, personal liberty and free enterprise while also choosing to encourage smaller families results in greater global abundance, less conflict and healthier, more stable ecosystems. Massive human population growth negativity impacts biodiversity.
Voluntary family planning isn't coercion. Government policy that subsidizes childbirth via tax deductions and child credits forces those without children to pay for those who do. Government policy should be neutral.
A "tax credit" is just a tax reduction. Cutting taxes on some people doesn't force anybody else to do anything.
Since the fake "Population Explosion" crisis was invented by the left, the UN and governments all over the world have enacted large population control programs at taxpayer expense. Ever hear of the 1-child policy? Or government subsidizing birth control and abortion?
Due to the misanthropic leftist programs, many nations now face depopulation crises. But neither the left nor the government regulators will accept any blame.
Rapid population growth does not correlate with increased GDP per capita. Free markets, stable governance, broad educational opportunities and private ownership drive wealth creation. That can happen in countries with stable populations or falling ones. China's one child policy with forced abortion was heinous. No woman should be forced to terminate a pregnancy. That said, China had a tremendous economic increase in a single generation which included markets that were more open and increased private ownership. Most illegal immigration is from countries experiencing rapid population growth to wealthier countries with stable populations. Sub-Saharan Africa would be one of the wealthiest regions on earth if population growth drove economic growth. Fifty years ago the Philippines and Thailand had similar populations, similar per capita GDP and similar economies. The Philippines discouraged family planning under the strong influence of the Catholic Church. Thailand made contraception widely available and encouraged family planning. Today, Thailand is a far wealthier country with a smaller population. Infinitely increasing human population is not a solution to anything. Increasing human population makes every challenge more difficult to resolve.
"China had a tremendous economic increase in a single generation"
Is that because the communist Chinese did not spend money needed to invest in the future generation? And now they are facing a demographic nightmare and they know it. If 1-child was a good policy, why did they abandon it? Every example you give has a different explanation or a better counter example. If depopulation is so great, why are so many nations now desperately reversing their depopulation policies and programs?
"Sub-Saharan Africa would be one of the wealthiest regions on earth if population growth drove economic growth." The cause of their poverty are indeed governance and lack of free enterprise. Not population.
Western Europe and the US became immensely wealthy as the population exploded. That is impossible if your ideas are correct. I could list a dozen predictions made by depopulationists that the world would be out of food by 2000. All of their predictions have been the opposite of what really happened.
We were supposed to have run out of all natural resources by now but we have not run out of a single resource. Not one. In 1990, 58% of the world's population lived in low-income countries. Now it is 9%.
The national and UN depopulation programs were misanthropic and nihilistic. After decades of programs based on the idea that people are bad and fewer are better, leftists now write articles about the disaster of depopulation, but claim no responsibility for having caused it. I could cite any amount of data from those articles and from the people who have always opposed the fake "Population Explosion" crisis. The misanthropes who created the depopulation programs were always wrong. Now rational people know it. But the people who created the depopulation programs will never accept blame.
I never said people are bad. I'm not a misanthrope. Those are your assertions related to family planning. The reality is that when parents are allowed a choice and the means are available in choosing their family size, they are having fewer children. Those choices are rational for their families and the planet. The ideal human population growth curve is not one that extends to infinity. A healthier earth is not one where the human species populates itself to the exclusion, detriment or destruction of other species and ecosystems.
The idea that the human population pyramid must expand forever at the base so that adequate labor at the base is available to support those now living at the peak is a false narrative. The justification of forever increasing future generations as necessary to service government retirement plans of seniors is ridiculous. Technological innovation and human creativity improve living standards far more than adding billions more people to the planet with every new generation. Most of the world's families live far better lives than those of our ancestors a few generations ago. Existing and new resources are continually expanded and utilized through human ingenuity.
The fact that humanity is materially more productive doesn't change the reality that our shared planet is finite. Future generations aren't going to live on Mars or Venus or some other planet orbiting the next nearest star. We need to take really good care of the one we live on. Views of success should include measures of GDP growth, wealth per capita, lower infant mortality rates and longer lifespans but also the health of ecosystems, climate stability, broader species variation, acreage as wilderness, areas of old growth forest, abundance of sea life and things like that. Without agreement on limits on some activities many species would eventually be hunted or fished to extinction.
Human exploitation of available resources should be balanced with preservation for the sake of future generations. Voluntary family planning is a benefit in that regard.
Looking good, love the layout and look of this.
Supporting human progress, personal liberty and free enterprise while also choosing to encourage smaller families results in greater global abundance, less conflict and healthier, more stable ecosystems. Massive human population growth negativity impacts biodiversity.
Misanthropic government programs to cause depopulation are in the process of creating a global tragedy.
Voluntary family planning isn't coercion. Government policy that subsidizes childbirth via tax deductions and child credits forces those without children to pay for those who do. Government policy should be neutral.
A "tax credit" is just a tax reduction. Cutting taxes on some people doesn't force anybody else to do anything.
Since the fake "Population Explosion" crisis was invented by the left, the UN and governments all over the world have enacted large population control programs at taxpayer expense. Ever hear of the 1-child policy? Or government subsidizing birth control and abortion?
Due to the misanthropic leftist programs, many nations now face depopulation crises. But neither the left nor the government regulators will accept any blame.
Rapid population growth does not correlate with increased GDP per capita. Free markets, stable governance, broad educational opportunities and private ownership drive wealth creation. That can happen in countries with stable populations or falling ones. China's one child policy with forced abortion was heinous. No woman should be forced to terminate a pregnancy. That said, China had a tremendous economic increase in a single generation which included markets that were more open and increased private ownership. Most illegal immigration is from countries experiencing rapid population growth to wealthier countries with stable populations. Sub-Saharan Africa would be one of the wealthiest regions on earth if population growth drove economic growth. Fifty years ago the Philippines and Thailand had similar populations, similar per capita GDP and similar economies. The Philippines discouraged family planning under the strong influence of the Catholic Church. Thailand made contraception widely available and encouraged family planning. Today, Thailand is a far wealthier country with a smaller population. Infinitely increasing human population is not a solution to anything. Increasing human population makes every challenge more difficult to resolve.
"China had a tremendous economic increase in a single generation"
Is that because the communist Chinese did not spend money needed to invest in the future generation? And now they are facing a demographic nightmare and they know it. If 1-child was a good policy, why did they abandon it? Every example you give has a different explanation or a better counter example. If depopulation is so great, why are so many nations now desperately reversing their depopulation policies and programs?
"Sub-Saharan Africa would be one of the wealthiest regions on earth if population growth drove economic growth." The cause of their poverty are indeed governance and lack of free enterprise. Not population.
Western Europe and the US became immensely wealthy as the population exploded. That is impossible if your ideas are correct. I could list a dozen predictions made by depopulationists that the world would be out of food by 2000. All of their predictions have been the opposite of what really happened.
We were supposed to have run out of all natural resources by now but we have not run out of a single resource. Not one. In 1990, 58% of the world's population lived in low-income countries. Now it is 9%.
The national and UN depopulation programs were misanthropic and nihilistic. After decades of programs based on the idea that people are bad and fewer are better, leftists now write articles about the disaster of depopulation, but claim no responsibility for having caused it. I could cite any amount of data from those articles and from the people who have always opposed the fake "Population Explosion" crisis. The misanthropes who created the depopulation programs were always wrong. Now rational people know it. But the people who created the depopulation programs will never accept blame.
I never said people are bad. I'm not a misanthrope. Those are your assertions related to family planning. The reality is that when parents are allowed a choice and the means are available in choosing their family size, they are having fewer children. Those choices are rational for their families and the planet. The ideal human population growth curve is not one that extends to infinity. A healthier earth is not one where the human species populates itself to the exclusion, detriment or destruction of other species and ecosystems.
The idea that the human population pyramid must expand forever at the base so that adequate labor at the base is available to support those now living at the peak is a false narrative. The justification of forever increasing future generations as necessary to service government retirement plans of seniors is ridiculous. Technological innovation and human creativity improve living standards far more than adding billions more people to the planet with every new generation. Most of the world's families live far better lives than those of our ancestors a few generations ago. Existing and new resources are continually expanded and utilized through human ingenuity.
The fact that humanity is materially more productive doesn't change the reality that our shared planet is finite. Future generations aren't going to live on Mars or Venus or some other planet orbiting the next nearest star. We need to take really good care of the one we live on. Views of success should include measures of GDP growth, wealth per capita, lower infant mortality rates and longer lifespans but also the health of ecosystems, climate stability, broader species variation, acreage as wilderness, areas of old growth forest, abundance of sea life and things like that. Without agreement on limits on some activities many species would eventually be hunted or fished to extinction.
Human exploitation of available resources should be balanced with preservation for the sake of future generations. Voluntary family planning is a benefit in that regard.