In fact - as I mention to people all the time - the folks that run businesses - of all sizes - also have families with children and grandchildren and therefore have a vested interest in thinking about multi generational sustainability. It is usually the poorer economies that can not afford to think long term - the wealthier economies that capitalism produces have the ability to plan and execute for long term sustainability.
This rebuttal has its own flaws. First, it assumes the private owner is intelligent, and has robust resources and enough foresight to plan for the future. For a private owner who doesn’t, what happens if the resource they control is suddenly impacted by something outside of their control, such as a forest fire that starts elsewhere, blight, or rising temperatures? Second, the Tragedy of the Commons extends beyond artificially drawn borders. For example, the privately-controlled resource can be adversely impacted by what happens offsite, such as the effluent from a mining operation upstream.
Why is it that so little opposition to those views is EVER PRESENTED ?
And even THIS article only "very gently , and with little enthusiasm or vigour" , refutes them.
Do "we" CONSERVATIVES , who believe in and PRACTICE CAPITALISM, and INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS like OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY , have all the cowards ?
When I was young(er) "our Country , Australia" had POSITIVE and ENGAGING VISIONS FOR THE FUTURE PROGRESS AND WELL-BEING of ALL IT'S PEOPLE [ For EVERYONE including immigrants ,"new Australians", poor and wealthy alike ! It was a virtually "class-less" society , although it did acknowledge and REWARD MERIT and COURAGE and PHILANTHROPY ].[Now it only rewards CELEBRITY !!! ] seems to be bogged-down in IDENTITY-POLITICS , piddling disputes about gender and how to address the divergent few , is totally anti-development and definitely class-and-wealth-conscious ! [ Redistribution-of-other-people's-wealth is high on the agenda of many of the LOUDEST VOICES in POLITICS ! ]
It panders to every weirdo and every weird thought as though NO was not a reasonable answer !
I watched a program on TRAINS in Communist China and there I saw so much of what I had imagined Australia would do BEFORE NOW with it's wealth and (supposedly) educated people.
China HAD A VISION and they steadfastly worked toward it TOGETHER .[ Probably unified by force........but that was NOT EVIDENT ! What was evident was THEIR ACHIEVEMENT ! }
"Our" achievements have almost ALL BEEN NEGATIVE !"We" have SOLD OFF MOST of "our" businesses and Companies to foreigners ! "We" have exported OR closed MOST of the Australian manufacturing industry ! We no longer make cars ! We no longer make fuel ! In a country with vast distances to travel "we" now rely on IMPORTED CARS and IMPORTED FUELS ! Stupid !!!
"We" have LOCKED UP 50% OUR LAND within Aboriginal claims that they DO NOTHING WITH and , judging by their past record , NEVER WILL UTILISE ECONOMICALLY , other than holding MINING COMPANIES , PASTORALISTS , FISHERMEN and FARMERS to ransom ! We are NOT ONLY COWARDS when it comes to ACTING IN OUR OWN BEST INTERESTS , WE ARE STUPID WITH IT !
"We" are now importing FOOD although "we" tax "our" AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY into oblivion and ham-string every activity with rules and regulations that defy common sense and logic !
We pay "the disabled" and "the incapacitated" far more than the ABLE BODIED and the PENSIONERS who slogged their gizzards out creating the wealth that successive Government disperse in such a cavalier manner
......and .....never satisfied.......they keep coming back with ever-increasing demands for MORE !
THIS ARTICLE needs to be WIDELY PROMULGATED in an attempt to INFORM the uninformed and GIVE SOME HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT to those who want to see a FREE and decent future for themselves and their families !!
We seem to have two populist views right now. One, that capitalism is a cancer and is the source of all of our problems, and then two, which has recently been shocking to me, is that the most wealthy individuals should be able to bend society to their will. I think we should return to a place of reason where we realize that capitalism is the best of the economic system options, but democracy is the best of the worst of the political system options. Right now, I am not confident that the leaders on either side agree with this.
Hi Shea ! Yes , you are correct. There seems to be a divergence of attitudes.
The only thing is , BOTH systems have been tried , and we can now compare them
ONE was a terrible disaster for at least 150 million people who died and for all the rest who merely suffered , and THE OTHER is what we now know as Free Enterprise Capitalism , which is the ONLY SYSTEM that produces WEALTH.
Yes , some gain more than others , but overall , everyone benefits.
It is this system which has [ and is ] drawing millions and billions of people out of poverty. Some people are inordinately wealthy while others are merely "getting by."
But "getting by" at least offers hope and improvement ! Well worth striving for !
Marxism merely offers obedience or death. Not much worth striving for there !
What is mystifying is that the "Academic Elite" of the Western World are preaching and teaching Marxism , despite knowing how it ends EVERY TIME .
Are they "smart" [ intelligent ] but "stupid" at the same time ?
Or do they just HATE themselves and their own culture and want to destroy it ?
This attitude is how we end up with authoritarian rule, where capitalism and free market ideology is only embraced when it is in the ruler's best interests.
In fact - as I mention to people all the time - the folks that run businesses - of all sizes - also have families with children and grandchildren and therefore have a vested interest in thinking about multi generational sustainability. It is usually the poorer economies that can not afford to think long term - the wealthier economies that capitalism produces have the ability to plan and execute for long term sustainability.
This rebuttal has its own flaws. First, it assumes the private owner is intelligent, and has robust resources and enough foresight to plan for the future. For a private owner who doesn’t, what happens if the resource they control is suddenly impacted by something outside of their control, such as a forest fire that starts elsewhere, blight, or rising temperatures? Second, the Tragedy of the Commons extends beyond artificially drawn borders. For example, the privately-controlled resource can be adversely impacted by what happens offsite, such as the effluent from a mining operation upstream.
Great rebuttal.
Why is it that so little opposition to those views is EVER PRESENTED ?
And even THIS article only "very gently , and with little enthusiasm or vigour" , refutes them.
Do "we" CONSERVATIVES , who believe in and PRACTICE CAPITALISM, and INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS like OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY , have all the cowards ?
When I was young(er) "our Country , Australia" had POSITIVE and ENGAGING VISIONS FOR THE FUTURE PROGRESS AND WELL-BEING of ALL IT'S PEOPLE [ For EVERYONE including immigrants ,"new Australians", poor and wealthy alike ! It was a virtually "class-less" society , although it did acknowledge and REWARD MERIT and COURAGE and PHILANTHROPY ].[Now it only rewards CELEBRITY !!! ] seems to be bogged-down in IDENTITY-POLITICS , piddling disputes about gender and how to address the divergent few , is totally anti-development and definitely class-and-wealth-conscious ! [ Redistribution-of-other-people's-wealth is high on the agenda of many of the LOUDEST VOICES in POLITICS ! ]
It panders to every weirdo and every weird thought as though NO was not a reasonable answer !
I watched a program on TRAINS in Communist China and there I saw so much of what I had imagined Australia would do BEFORE NOW with it's wealth and (supposedly) educated people.
China HAD A VISION and they steadfastly worked toward it TOGETHER .[ Probably unified by force........but that was NOT EVIDENT ! What was evident was THEIR ACHIEVEMENT ! }
"Our" achievements have almost ALL BEEN NEGATIVE !"We" have SOLD OFF MOST of "our" businesses and Companies to foreigners ! "We" have exported OR closed MOST of the Australian manufacturing industry ! We no longer make cars ! We no longer make fuel ! In a country with vast distances to travel "we" now rely on IMPORTED CARS and IMPORTED FUELS ! Stupid !!!
"We" have LOCKED UP 50% OUR LAND within Aboriginal claims that they DO NOTHING WITH and , judging by their past record , NEVER WILL UTILISE ECONOMICALLY , other than holding MINING COMPANIES , PASTORALISTS , FISHERMEN and FARMERS to ransom ! We are NOT ONLY COWARDS when it comes to ACTING IN OUR OWN BEST INTERESTS , WE ARE STUPID WITH IT !
"We" are now importing FOOD although "we" tax "our" AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY into oblivion and ham-string every activity with rules and regulations that defy common sense and logic !
We pay "the disabled" and "the incapacitated" far more than the ABLE BODIED and the PENSIONERS who slogged their gizzards out creating the wealth that successive Government disperse in such a cavalier manner
......and .....never satisfied.......they keep coming back with ever-increasing demands for MORE !
THIS ARTICLE needs to be WIDELY PROMULGATED in an attempt to INFORM the uninformed and GIVE SOME HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT to those who want to see a FREE and decent future for themselves and their families !!
We seem to have two populist views right now. One, that capitalism is a cancer and is the source of all of our problems, and then two, which has recently been shocking to me, is that the most wealthy individuals should be able to bend society to their will. I think we should return to a place of reason where we realize that capitalism is the best of the economic system options, but democracy is the best of the worst of the political system options. Right now, I am not confident that the leaders on either side agree with this.
Hi Shea ! Yes , you are correct. There seems to be a divergence of attitudes.
The only thing is , BOTH systems have been tried , and we can now compare them
ONE was a terrible disaster for at least 150 million people who died and for all the rest who merely suffered , and THE OTHER is what we now know as Free Enterprise Capitalism , which is the ONLY SYSTEM that produces WEALTH.
Yes , some gain more than others , but overall , everyone benefits.
It is this system which has [ and is ] drawing millions and billions of people out of poverty. Some people are inordinately wealthy while others are merely "getting by."
But "getting by" at least offers hope and improvement ! Well worth striving for !
Marxism merely offers obedience or death. Not much worth striving for there !
What is mystifying is that the "Academic Elite" of the Western World are preaching and teaching Marxism , despite knowing how it ends EVERY TIME .
Are they "smart" [ intelligent ] but "stupid" at the same time ?
Or do they just HATE themselves and their own culture and want to destroy it ?
It's a conundrum I have no answer to Shea.
Regards , Trevor.
You will never be able to inform ones who do not want to be informed. You can only ignore them.
This attitude is how we end up with authoritarian rule, where capitalism and free market ideology is only embraced when it is in the ruler's best interests.