is adding three new positions this year—a massive expansion of our currently small team.
The first is a database manager. We opened that application in early January and have received a great deal of interest, but there is still time to apply.
We’ve now begun hiring for the other two positions:
A psychologist to analyze the psychology of progress. Despite long-term material and moral progress, many people think the world is getting worse, and certain dimensions of mental health seem to be deteriorating in wealthy countries. We want someone to investigate what exactly is happening and why.
An economist to engage with the critics of progress. Economic growth and technological change are blamed for many of the world’s problems, from environmental degradation to inequality and alienation. Some of these criticisms are false, while others may represent valid concerns. We want someone to determine which problems are genuine and how they might be solved.
One goal of this expansion is to widen the scope of our work. While will maintain its focus on gathering evidence of progress, these new team members will help us investigate its causes and consequences. In other words, this is our formal venture into the realm of “progress studies.”
If you are qualified for one of these roles and want to join our new initiative, please consider filling out an application. And if you wish to help us succeed, please share the applications widely.
Economics & Development:
Energy & Environment:
Health & Demographics:
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